
A Noun Or A Verb?

A Noun Or A Verb?

Grammar wasn’t easy for me in school. Learning all the different parts of a sentence seemed like a waste of time. I wasn’t planning on writing anything of any importance, so my heart wasn’t into it. Nouns and verbs were the easiest to identify, especially proper names and action words. As if learning what each part of the sentences weren’t hard enough, I then found out that the same word used in a different way might have a different part to play. Arrrr! How was I ever going to get that straight?

...And the Greatest of these is LOVE...

...And the Greatest of these is LOVE...

We just celebrated St. Valentine’s Day this week.  This day can bring about many emotions for those in relationships and those who are not.  It can be a time to reflect on the importance of that certain person in life, or the awareness of the lack of someone.  I laugh, often, on this day because, my daughter’s, years ago named it….Singles Awareness Day.

White Caps

White Caps

Peace.  It’s a gift from God.  What I love most about gifts from God, is there are no strings attached.  It is yours because He loves you.  All you have to do is receive it. 

When was the last time you felt peace in your life?  Peace and quiet can be felt when the kids go to go bed, or after a hectic day of work is over; but I’m not talking about that kind of peace.  I’m talking about a deep, deep peace.