H2O--Are You Drinking Enough?

H2O--Are You Drinking Enough?

Hydration is an essential part of our health and wellbeing, but is just drinking any water good enough? During the course of our day, we lose water through perspiration, urination, and respiration. This process is equivalent to 8-10 cups per day. No wonder the recommended drinking amount is 8-10 cups of water per day, right? But what if there is a deficit from days prior? Does one need to make up for it? And does the type of water matter?



Gift giving is a nice way to let others know you are thinking of them and care about them. Taking the time to consider the whys and how a gift can be purchased and used can bring much joy for both the giver and the receiver, especially if thought and time was taken to choose just the right gift. Presents are given for anything from hostess gifts to birthdays, Christmas to child birth, and anything in between.

A Little Weed

A Little Weed

Last year, I’ve branched out a bit more in my desire to understand healing and wellness. Last March, I began a 9-month course on herbalism at the Sacred Plant Traditions in Charlottesville, Virginia. Each month from March until November, a class meets for a weekend long class. It’s the foundation of a three-year program to become a Master

New Year’s Goals? Resolutions? Intentions…

New Year’s Goals? Resolutions? Intentions…

Happy New Year!  It’s a new beginning, another chapter, or season in life.  This is the time many people make resolutions about weight loss or exercise routines.  The media knows it too.  It’s a time that commercials for new diet plans and gym memberships and equipment are “on sale.”

To Go

To Go

I just passed a billboard with information on how using my phone with the appropriate app, I can order, pay, and pick up food. While for some, this may seem like a splendid idea, I wonder, how much more can a person cram into a day?  With all the “efficiency” in our modern society, why are we the more stressed out, suffer with anxiety, and depressed than ever?

Fall Equinox

Fall Equinox

We have tapped into the fall, officially.  Mums, pumpkins, and fall décor are all around with sprinkles of pumpkin spice.  This time of year, seems to bring a lot of excitement and joy to people, but for some, it’s a different type of season.  In spring there is a re-birth of new life.  Flowers bloom, birds return, the days get longer and warmer.  Then we reach the solstice

Silent Words

Silent Words

Actions speak louder than words, is a saying I’ve heard and said many times in my life. I was able to confirm this saying recently as I spent time with folks I didn’t know very well.  Casually or occasional gatherings hardly allow a person the opportunity to be themselves.  Usually, we are on our best behavior in social engagements. However, spending hours

A Little Movement

A Little Movement

Nine months ago, many of us embarked on new health and wellness goals.  How are you doing with yours?  Did you at least make it to March, or did the momentum extinguish about mid-February?  Insert laughter here….No need to beat yourself up, it happens.  It’s not easy staying motivated. The New Year brings excitement and the awareness of something



My mother loved being outside more than being indoors. She spent much of the spring, summer and fall planting a garden and harvesting its produce.  When I was a little girl, I remember many days spent rolling around in the grass, jumping rope, and swinging on my play set.  My mother would say, “Why would anyone be inside when they can be outside?” Perhaps that’s why I love being outside so much.  I learned to appreciate the sun, the air, and earth early in life.

Matcha Latte, Please

Matcha Latte, Please

Recently, I was reminded of the antioxidant power of green tea.  In particular, matcha green tea.  I’m one of those people who can eat or drink something if I know it’s good for me….for the most part.  When a choice is presented, I usually tend to choose the fruitier flavored teas because of the natural sweetness.  Although there are choices in flavors of green tea that help to mask its natural bitterness. 

Excuse Me

Excuse Me

The wonder and beauty of individuals is our differences.  Often, we are attracted to people that help strengthen our weaknesses. For as much of the sameness we share with one another, we are all really quite different in a variety of ways. Those differences can make relationships both interesting and frustrating.  Life would be so boring if we were all the same, yet, many of us seem to dislike being

Oh Ricky You're So Fine....

Oh Ricky You're So Fine....

Ricky came into my life about three weeks ago.  We met at Costco in the seasonal summer isle.  It took me awhile to figure out if I wanted Ricky to be a part of my life or not.  I contemplated how much time would I be willing to give up for this new relationship.  Eventually, we left together and accompanied me to my river house at Colonial Beach.  Since our meeting, Ricky has taught me much



This restless soul of mine. It keeps me guessing. Over the past three and a half years, I’ve been on this incredible journey of discovery.  It began after tragedies that marked deep wounds in my life and family systems.  Each of us have tragedies and wounds; I don’t know how any life can be avoid of them.  It can be quite difficult and at times it seems too much to bear, however, there is sunshine on the other side, but one has to go through it to see it.

Anti-Inflammatory Tea

Anti-Inflammatory Tea

In March, I embarked on a path to becoming an herbalist.  It’s been an amazing journey so far as I learn the value of herbs and plants.  Many of the plants society views as a nuisance and weeds, in fact, have considerable medicinal benefits.  In February, I went skiing and fell hard on a patch of ice.  Even though I knew my knee was injured, I continued skiing until the family was ready to call it a day.  Once I got back to our house, my knee was swollen and red.

Super Powers

Super Powers

For decades, people have idolized superheros for their strength and desire to right the wrongs in society. They swoop in when the “bad guys” are taking advantage of the weak or the innocent to save the day. Hollywood continues to make movies that create more of what we want to see: action, adventure, and the feeling that all is better in the world. We all need a superhero in our life to bring hope and encouragement.