
Pasta with Sausage & Tomato Skillet

Pasta with Sausage & Tomato Skillet

As a recovering vegetarian, I'm super picky about what meats I will consume. Not all meat is the same. While I try to eat local, I have found a wonderful company who has sustainable practices and is free of the “Big 8” allergens. Let me just say…yum! If you want to know more about this company, you can find out more here.

With tomato season here, I’m looking for ways to use these wonderful fruits. This recipe is super fast and easy especially on a work night. Don’t forget the parmesan cheese!

Slow Cooker Tomato Soup

Slow Cooker Tomato Soup

Nothing says childhood more than tomato soup. It was my favorite growing up, however, it was soup of a can. That paired with a gilled cheese sandwich made me smile. While soup from a can is convenient, it’s loaded with a lot of sodium, and is really not as healthy as the label claims. Preparing homemade soup can seem overwhelming with the abundance of ingredients, however, I promise it’s really easy….and fun. Here is a take on a flavorful soup that can be started in the morning before work and then enjoy it as soon as you get home from work.

Summer Gazpacho

Summer Gazpacho

When I think of soup, I think of piping hot, savory bowls of goodness that usually experienced in those cold winter months.  Gazpacho is a cold soup that’s experienced in the warmer summer months. It’s a lot like a beverage really.  It can be drank from a glass rather than from a bowl.  In a gathering situation, it’s probably easier to serve in cups rather than bowls.