Natural Remedies

A Fungus Amongus

A Fungus Amongus

My first impression of mushrooms, any mushrooms, were not favorable. As a matter of fact, I would pick them off of my pizza, avoid them at a salad bar, and basically turn my nose up to the rubbery earthy substance. Why would anyone eat those, I wondered? In my own childhood, the only mushroom I could remember my mother serving was Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup; and that was added to casseroles. God help us all!

Anti-Inflammatory Tea

Anti-Inflammatory Tea

In March, I embarked on a path to becoming an herbalist.  It’s been an amazing journey so far as I learn the value of herbs and plants.  Many of the plants society views as a nuisance and weeds, in fact, have considerable medicinal benefits.  In February, I went skiing and fell hard on a patch of ice.  Even though I knew my knee was injured, I continued skiing until the family was ready to call it a day.  Once I got back to our house, my knee was swollen and red.

Cocoa vs. Cacao

Cocoa, better know as chocolate, is commonly found in grocery stores. It's also what is used to make candy bars and desserts. Cocoa comes from a bean that is roasted, processed, and sold to consumers. Like most products that are overly processed, the nutritional content is virtually non-existent. Let me introduce you to cacao.

An ancient mayan superfood, cacao is an excellent source of dietary fiber and high in essential vitamins and minerals. Cacao is also a rich supply of antioxidants. Cocoa and cacao come from the same bean pod. Cocoa looks the same but it's different. Cocoa powder is raw cacao that has been roasted at high temperatures. Roasting changes the molecular structure of the cacao bean, and thus making it less nutritional.  Cacao can be found in natural food stores or on-line.

Here are a few things that are beneficial about cacao:

  • lowers insulin resistance
  • protects the nervous system because it is high in resveratrol
  • reducesthe risk of cardiovascular disease
  • reduces the risk of stroke
  • reduces blood pressure
  • boosts mood
  • rich in minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper and manganese)

Research suggests that using dairy with cacao blocks some of the nutritional values in cacao. So if you are making a shake or dessert, it's better to use a milk substitute like almond or coconut milk.

Below is a receipt for chocolate pudding that is both sugar and dairy free.

Dark Chocolate Pudding

3 TBSP cornstarch
3 TBSP xylitol* sweetener
2 TBSP organic cacao powder
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

In a saucepan, thoroughly combine the cornstarch, xylitol, and cacao powder. Add the milk and stir until very smooth. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly, until the pudding comes to a boil. Then lower the heat and gently simmer, stirring continuously, for 3 or 4 minutes. Stir in the vanilla, pour the hot pudding into a decorative serving bowl or individual custard cups, and serve warm or chill for about 2 hours, until cold and set.

*xylitol is a natural sweetener that has a low glycemic index and is safe for diabetics

Health-bite:  replace cocoa with cacao

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples and allowing them to sit in wooden barrels until it matures. During the process of fermentation, the vinegar develop enzymes and minerals that can help aid our health. The "mother" is the necessary ingredient in apple cider vinegar (ACV) that promotes health. Most ACV that are found in commercial supermarkets have been processed by filtration and over-heating, whereby the "mother" has been removed. The "mother" can be identified by its web-like appearance that floats around in the bottle of the ACV. The cost of the natural apple cider is more expensive than that found in the grocery stores. You will find in the natural ciders a lot of "webbing" and is darker when compared to the filtered ciders. This "webbing" is the beneficial part of the cider.

Here's what ACV has to offer: mineral and trace elements like potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon, and fluorine. It can help with regulating cholesterol and blood pressure because of the pectin fiber in the vinegar. Just as people use vinegar to marinate meat so that it's tender, the same is true for our own fat cells. Apple cider vinegar can break down our own fat deposits helping with weight loss. ACV can also help with arthritis.

A couple of years ago, I noticed a bump on my finger joint. It would get sore and red from time to time. It just happens to be on the hand that I use most in my work. When I asked my doctor about it, he told me it was likely arthritis. Over the next year, it would flare more often. Thankfully, I don't have any other areas yet that have appeared. So why am I telling you this? Because I started mixing 2 teaspoons of ACV with a glass of water in the morning before work for the health benefits. After about a week or so, I noticed  I could bend my finger more without the pain. Because I'm curious and just wanted to see if it was the ACV, I stopped for about a week, and I noticed I wasn't able to bend my finger quite as well.  I need to work a few more years, so I'm back on the ACV daily. The taste doesn't bother me, but for some, it's a bit difficult to get down. You can add a teaspoon of honey if necessary.

Here are a few more things ACV can help with:

  • Acid reflux--take 2 teaspoons in an 8-ounce glass of water prior to a meal
  • Arthritis--can be applied externally to painful joints in a hot solution for 10 minutes
  • Breaking a fever

Here is story my daughter told me: One of her co-workers has an infant who had been really sick.  She had her infant son at the emergency department once and the doctor's office twice. The medications given to him didn't really seem to help. My daughter told her about ACV on the body could break a fever. So this worried mom soaked a towel in ACV, warmed it and wrapped his body up for the night. The next day, the mom said he was a new baby. His fever was gone and he was so much better. Now this mother is a believer in natural remedies.

God gave us so many resources to use in helping aid ourselves in good health. We just need to find them and educate ourselves, myself included.

Health-bite: ACV a wonderful natural remedy


alfalfa sprouts

In her book, Weeds That Heal, Racheal Weaver describes Alfalfa as the "Father Of All Foods". She goes on to describe how Alfalfa's long root system provides minerals in large amounts such as iron, calcium magnesium, postassium, plus trace minerals and vitamin K. Alfalfa helps remove toxins in the body while neutralizing acids.

Here are some of the uses alfalfa can be used for:  allergies, anemia, appetite, arthritis, digestion, kidney problems, lowers cholesterol, rheumatism, morning sickness, stomach ulcers, and a blood cleanser. Alfalfa is also used in relief for bloating and water retention. What caught my eye is it can help with unstable blood sugar and help to balance pituitary gland function.

During the coarse of my work day, I ask patients about their health history. If diabetic, I ask if they know their A1C level (an inflammatory marker).  A level of 6.5 and over signifies higher than normal range. This matters because if the sugar levels are not controlled, healing is very slow, circulation is compromised, and big problems can result.

Did you know that our small pituitary gland tucked away in the middle of the brain controls the hormone levels of the thyroid and adrenal glands? The pitutiary gland also plays an important role in growth and development, espeically during puberty. Sometimes a tumor or growth will devleop on the pituitary gland that could either block messages to stimuate production of a hormone or could send messages to secrete too much hormone.

So let's get back to alfalfa.  With the spring approaching, fields will be filled with alfalfa. I personally ordered seeds to sprout.  They are quite easy to do and are useable in about 5 days. After they sprout, I place them in the refrigerator and add to sandwiches and salads.  The sprouts are quite tasty. Even my skeptical husband likes them. If you are trying to regulate blood sugar, you can sprinkle some seeds on every meal you eat, or take an alfalfa supplement. Using the sprouts or seeds will also help that pituitary gland, which provides energy and balance in the body.

With spring also brings allergies. Believe it or not, alfalfa could rid you of your seasonal allergies. One story tells of a mother whose son had severe seasonal allergies. She took him to the doctor, but medications were not helpful. This mother began to look into natural remedies and began using alfalfa tablets. Reporting in just a week, her son felt better and was symptom free for the rest of the season. She gave him 4-5 tablets 3-4 times a day.  Luckily, alfalfa supplements are one of the least expensive supplements out there.  They can be found at your local healthfood store. I have two members of my immediate family that suffer from seasonal allergies.  I have my supplements bought, and I'm ready to take on the season!

Precautions with alfalfa: do not use if taking a blood-thinner or anticoagulant medication such as Coumadin or Warfarin. Using alfalfa in large doses could cause anemia. Ask your doctor prior to using if on a blood-thinner.

Health-bite: Give alfalfa a try for seasonal allergies and overall health.