
Leaning In On New Words for 2023

Leaning In On New Words for 2023

It’s a new year and many people put forth a valent effort to make real, positive changes in their life, especially one’s that affect their health and wellbeing. For the past five years, or so, I’ve chosen a word that becomes my word of the year. One that I mediate and pray on to see how it affects my life and watch to see how it manifests during the year.

Moving Thru Anger

Moving Thru Anger

I was not equipped to deal with anger or conflict.  My “Leave it to Beaver” homelife was joyful memories. If my parents had disagreements, they surely never discussed it within the family.  I did, however, witness my father giving “the business” to projects or vehicles he worked on.  My mother called it the Bush Temper as if it was a contagious virus we need to watch out for.  “He’s got the Bush Temper; you’d better look out!”  I may have demonstrated some of that in my earlier days, however, I suppose I’ve mellowed in my older years….or have I?  

A Noun Or A Verb?

A Noun Or A Verb?

Grammar wasn’t easy for me in school. Learning all the different parts of a sentence seemed like a waste of time. I wasn’t planning on writing anything of any importance, so my heart wasn’t into it. Nouns and verbs were the easiest to identify, especially proper names and action words. As if learning what each part of the sentences weren’t hard enough, I then found out that the same word used in a different way might have a different part to play. Arrrr! How was I ever going to get that straight?