Wild Woman Awake!

AWAKEN wild, wonderful woman to the truth of who you are. 

 ALLOW yourself to feel your feelings.  


BE true to yourself. BE kind to yourself.

BELIEVE in your power and strength. 

You are CALLED to the dance of living wild and free.

CELEBRATE each other, the season, the full moon.

DRESS for yourself.  

DO what needs to be done, with love – no more “should”! 

END the reign of critics – both internal and external

EMERGE from the chrysalis, it’s time to fly! 

FORGET “nice”.

FEED yourself what nourishes and inspires you.

FREEDOM begins in the mind and the heart. 

GRIEVE your losses – cry, wail (you will get through).

GIVE yourself the GIFT of choice. 

HOLD yourself dear.

HEAD to toe – love your body.

HELP yourself to HEALING. 

INVITE friends to ceremonies to mark transitions.

INHIBITIONS are not part of a wild woman’s wardrobe. 

JUICE up your thoughts, your actions, your life! 

 JUMP! It’s not as far as it seems. 

KINDLE the kind of friendships you dream about – soul friends are the greatest treasure.

KISS more. 

LISTEN to your inner voice.

LIFE is meant to be fun – LIVE joyfully.

LAUGH from your belly.

LOVE, MEDITATE and pray to strengthen and deepen your connection to Spirit.

MELT into loving. 

NATURE awaits your presence.  

NOTICE the good things.

NO is a very good word to use when you mean NO.  

OWN what is yours – let go of projections.

OPEN your world to new opportunities, new creativity.  

PLAY with color – PAINT, weave, wear.  

PROTECT your wild heart with great self-esteem. 

QUESTION yourself – am I leading the life I want to lead? If not, why not?  If not now, when?  

RELAX, slow down.  

REFUSE to be crushed, restrained or tamed.  

REVIVE and REVERE your inner goddess – let her shine.  

SENSUALITY is wholesome – enjoy!

SPEAK, your truth.


Put on some great music and SHAKE out all that hold you back.  

TOUCH the earth, get your hands in the soil.  

TRUST your intuition, TELL nay-sayers goodbye.  

TAKE risks. 

UNDO learnt behaviors which harm you.  

USE your resources to support you.  

VALUE your dreams and aspirations – start today to make them come true.  

WILD is different for each woman, so honor your unique WILDNESS. 

Expect to make a difference, expect change and expansion.  

YES, you can be wild, you can be free – wholeheartedly YOU! 

ZANY, wacky – doesn’t matter what they call you!


Susanna Michaels